Green light for new housing development in Cowie

Stirling Council has given the green light to a new affordable housing development in Cowie.

Green light for new housing development in Cowie

At a meeting of full council on 30 June, elected members agreed on the appointment of CCG (Scotland) Ltd to build the homes.

The development will commence later in 2020, providing a range of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties, and it will include bungalows, which will be well suited to households with a disability

Housing portfolio holder, Councillor Evelyn Tweed, said: “This substantial investment shows our commitment to creating more affordable housing within our communities.

“The development in Cowie will increase supply of affordable housing of all types and will be a welcome boost to the local area.”

Joint depute portfolio holder for housing, Cllr Danny Gibson, added: “The new homes at the former St Margaret’s Primary School site will be of a high standard, affordable and environmentally friendly.

“This development will improve the availability and quality of social housing in the area and helps us in our drive to provide high-quality affordable housing for the people of Stirling, which is key council objective.”

.Joint depute portfolio holder for housing, Cllr Alasdair MacPherson, said: “After consulting with the community on these proposals we know they are supportive of the project so I am sure they will be delighted at this major step forward.

“Along with addressing the social housing need in the area, the development will also have the added benefit of supporting the local economy by creating jobs in the construction industry.”

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