And finally… £11m to make Granite Mile sparkle again
A total of £11 million is needed to make the Granite Mile buildings sparkle again, according to property consultants.

The money would go on repairs to buildings on Aberdeen’s Union Street, with dozens of businesses being called upon to replace their shop fronts, carry out roof and window repairs and clean granite facades.
To encourage the repairs, the city council is looking to secure funding and offer a ‘one-stop’ service to make the necessary improvements.
The survey by property consultants Savills covered 134 buildings and found premises ranged from being in good condition to “significant disrepair”.
Plans on how to improve the buildings could be brought together by June, if councillors sign off on the work next week, The Press & Journal reports.
Savills surveyed the once-illustrious Granite Mile, compiling a list of repairs needed to its historic commercial premises.
It could require dozens of businesses to replace their shop fronts, roof and window repairs and cleaning of granite facades.
But the drive to bring the sparkle back to the Granite Mile is seen as a key driver in getting people to take up vacant units.
The team from Savills told Aberdeen City Council: “Within these proposals we have proposed 84 shop front replacements.
“We have proposed replacement to a number of existing shop fronts that are not exhibiting signs of disrepair, however do not contribute to a consistent appearance on Union Street.”