And finally… rough shack

Image: Irwindale Police Department
Police in California were left scratching their heads when an entire shack was found abandoned on a city street.
The Irwindale Police Department said the structure, in a state of disrepair, was found next to the kerb in the 800 block of Alpha Street.
Police said they were unable to find any surveillance video showing how the shack ended up in the street.
“An anonymous caller (Let’s call her Dorothy) reported a house that seemingly fell from the sky and landed in the middle of one of our city streets,” police said in a tongue-in-cheek Facebook post. “With this year’s first ever tornado warning in Los Angeles, IPD was sure this was the case.”
The post said “there were no witches harmed when the house landed”.
A crew from the Royal Coaches towing company was called to the scene to haul the shack out of the road.
“Kudos to Royal Coaches Towing for clicking their heels together and summoning the courage to get the house out of the roadway,” the post said.
The ultimate fate of the structure after being towed away was unclear.