Ayrshire Roads Alliance hosts careers event

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance recently welcomed young people from across East and South Ayrshire to learn more about the many careers available within the service.

Contracts manager Brian Gibson and Ailie Law from the Improvement Service’s Roads Collaboration Programme hosted the event and invited young people from every secondary school in East and South Ayrshire to Gauchalland Depot.

They set up different stations for the young people to view the type of work carried out by the Alliance, including white lining, resurfacing, gully cleaning, gritting, paving and street lighting. The Roads team spent time with the young people explaining each task and the highly technical specifications that they need to follow to comply with all relevant roads legislation.

Former Modern Apprentices, who are now working in a range of roles within the Alliance including roads operatives, drivers and engineers, took time to speak to the young people about their own careers, the opportunities available and the best route into employment.

Mr Gibson said: “The Ayrshire Roads Alliance has a 100% success rate of supporting our Modern Apprentices into full time employment. We provide our young people with training, guidance, sometimes work related and sometimes personal and an environment designed for success.

“The team felt that it would be beneficial to work with Education with East and South Ayrshire Councils to hold an open day for young people from every secondary school. The event would give young people the opportunity to experience the types of careers on offer and the routes they could take to employment and training. The feedback from our young people was overwhelmingly positive. They asked great questions and participated in each sessions with enthusiasm.

“The Alliance has six Modern Apprentices at the moment working in a range of roles, we were interviewing for two Modern Apprentices for Girvan depot this week and the next intake will be in November.”

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