CGC delivers three Covid-safe care home cabins

City Gate Construction (CGC) has played a key role in helping to keep residents of three care homes safe with the installation of special visiting cabins.

CGC delivers three Covid-safe care home cabins

The innovative solution in the gardens of three Renfrewshire homes is allowing families much-needed quality time with loved ones.

CGC carried out the installation at Renfrew, Montrose and Huntershill care homes on behalf of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

And the Renfrewshire firm praised the partnership for coming up with what CGC described as “an innovative solution which provides that vital link for families”.

The cabins will provide visitors with the opportunity to spend time alone with a resident while complying with covid regulations.

Each of the cabins is heated to ensure they can be used all year round and, importantly, have adequate airflow to minimise the risk of infection.

Renfrewshire HSCP said the cabins will become a huge asset to families as restrictions on care home visiting may remain in place for some time.

A spokesman for the health and social care partnership said: “Across the winter, we have implemented temporary options for visitors in line with national guidance.

“However, there was an aspiration to find a long-term solution that would provide outdoor spaces for each care home - away from the main care home buildings - where residents could meet with their families and friends, in a more comfortable environment.

“The cabins will be used in the medium term to facilitate visiting arrangements in the garden spaces, with a longer-term aspiration to use the cabins as part of the outdoor spaces for residents to enjoy as one of their outdoor options.”

The cabins all have electricity points, while new landscaping, improved pathways and raised beds have also been incorporated to make the areas attractive and accessible all year round.

Councillor Jacqueline Cameron, chairwoman of the Renfrewshire Integration Joint Board, said: “I’m delighted to see the introduction of these cabins in the grounds of our older adult care homes.

“The pandemic has been particularly challenging for all care home residents, their families and loved ones.

“This investment will help improve the overall visiting experience while we are still following national safety guidance.”

Currently, care home residents can appoint two designated people to visit them indoors and within their personal rooms.

Each visitor is asked to attend separately and to undergo a covid test using a lateral flow testing kit before the visit gets underway. They will be required to wear a face mask, but hugging and physical contact is allowed.

CGC’s contracts manager Andy Watson, who oversaw the installations, said: “We feel very privileged to have undertaken this work on behalf of the social care partnership given the difference it will make to people’s lives. It was a construction project we found particularly rewarding to undertake.”

CGC managing director Leo Reilly added: “The many months of lockdown and restrictions – especially at the beginning of pandemic – have been impossibly difficult for families with loved ones in care homes.

“We recognise the importance of human interaction for residents and we know the staff have been doing a magnificent job.

“We applaud Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership for coming up with such an innovative solution which will make a big difference in reuniting families.”

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