Civils activity falls amid COVID-19 lockdown

Civil engineers have reported a steep fall in activity for the second quarter of 2020 reflecting the COVID-19 lockdown as well as continuing long term challenges for the sector in Scotland.
Headline results from the latest CECA Workload Trends Survey found that 35% of Scottish firms, on balance, reported a fall in workloads compared with a year ago.
Order books declined, according to 18% of Scottish firms, on balance, while workload expectations for the year ahead were weak in Q2, with a balance of 26% of firms expecting a fall.
Employment fell in Q2 and forward-looking balances were the lowest in a decade and costs increased according to 87% of Scottish firms, on balance.
The GB wide results are equally gloomy with workloads in eight out of ten sectors declining, according to 43% of British firms, the lowest balance in nearly 11 years. However, despite employment balances for all types of worker hitting a decade-low in Q2, expectations for the future remain positive.