Decision delayed into Bellway’s 103-home bid in Elphinstone

Decisions into two East Lothian planning applications from Bellway Homes have been continued to a future planning committee meeting.
About this development:
- Authority:East Lothian
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Bellway (developer)
The first application was for 103 new homes on land to the north of Castlehill, Elphinstone, and the other was for a footpath linking this development to Waterloo Place.
The continuation was proposed by Councillor McGinn and seconded by Councillor Hampshire due to local concerns around difficulties in connecting the existing Bellway development at Castlehill to the local sewer network. There were also concerns about localised flooding and the potential location of the proposed connecting footpath.
The continuation will allow council officers to continue liaising with the developer and other agencies around a solution to the sewer connection problems and other issues.
The committee heard that there was a chance the developer may appeal to the Scottish Government over East Lothian Council’s non-determination of the applications within agreed timescales. Members voted unanimously to delegate the writing of a submission to Scottish Ministers in the event of such an appeal, to the council’s chief planning officer.
The motion was proposed by Councillor Hampshire and seconded by Councillor Forrest.