East Dunbartonshire Council opens £40.9m Boclair Academy

East Dunbartonshire Council opens £40.9m Boclair Academy

Pictured: Pupils, teachers, parents, councillors and invited guests at the opening of Boclair Academy

East Dunbartonshire Council has officially opened the new £40.9 million Boclair Academy building in Bearsden.

The new school, built on the site of the previous Boclair Academy building in Inveroran Drive, Bearsden, is now home to around 1,000 pupils.

Boasting a large gym hall, dance studio, performance areas and the latest technology, the building was delivered by the council in partnership with the SCAPE Construction Framework and contractor Wates Construction Limited/McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Limited.

Provost Gillian Renwick said: “There is a great feeling of warmth and community within Boclair Academy and since the doors opened at the start of term in August, pupils, teachers and staff have really made this new building their own.

“The official opening ceremony was an opportunity for senior pupils to show invited guests around their fantastic new building, which is fitted with the latest technology and has flexible learning areas both inside and out.

“Guests were also treated to excellent hospitality and outstanding musical performances throughout the evening.

“It was an honour to officially open this wonderful new school building and I wish pupils, teachers and staff every success in their new accommodation.”

Head teacher Douglas Brown added: “Boclair Academy is a wonderful school, a school we have always been exceptionally proud of. However, we now have a stunning new building, which the school community was heavily involved in designing, and we could not be more proud!

“Work has already begun on improved outdoor sport facilities alongside a fully integrated landscape design, which will include car and cycle parking bays, and we look forward to seeing that completed in the coming year.

“It was a privilege to welcome Provost Renwick to officially open our new school and to celebrate with our invited guests as we begin this new chapter in Boclair Academy’s history.”

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