And finally… World tallest timber tower planned for Tokyo

A Japanese timber company has revealed plans for the world’s tallest wooden building in Tokyo, a 350-metre skyscraper that would also be the highest in the centre of the city.

Called W350, the 70-storey building will be mostly wood and just 10% steel complete with internal beams, braces and balconies on all four sides.

Sumitomo Forestry said its project will be strong enough to withstand regular earthquakes.

Greenery will feature heavily in the building with foliage connecting from the ground to top floors offering “a view of biodiversity in an urban setting”. It is estimated that it will take 185,000 cubic metres of wood to complete the entire structure.

The total construction costs of the W350 plan have been estimated to be nearly double that of a conventional high-rise building constructed with current technology.

The plan is expected to reach completion by 2041.

A 53m (174ft) student residence in Vancouver, completed at the end of previous year, is reportedly the current tallest timber skyscraper in the world.

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