Government turns down A9 services development appeal on safety grounds

Government turns down A9 services development appeal on safety grounds

Image by Convery Prenty Architects

A decision to refuse plans for an A9 roadside services development outside Dunblane has been upheld by the Scottish Government.

Developer GB Grove Ltd had planned to deliver a filling station, HGV truck stop, amenity building with rest area, toilet and shower facilities and two units for use as a cafe and/ or restaurant on land 500 metres south west of Balhaldie.

The Convery Prenty Architects-designed Firs of Kinbuck project was to serve northbound traffic.

The application was conditionally approved in August 2020, however, opponents to the development submitted a legal challenge against the decision, which Stirling Council did not contest.

The proposal was returned to the council to be considered again and was subsequently refused by the planning panel last year.

Government turns down A9 services development appeal on safety grounds

Image by Convery Prenty Architects

Submitting an appeal against this decision, agents Graham and Sibbald argued that the planning application had complied with applicable policy and there had been no objections from statutory consultees.

However, rejecting the proposal last week, government reporter Lorna Mccallum pointed to the development plan comprising the Stirling Local Development Plan (LDP) 2018. The main issues were: the principle of the development at that location; road infrastructure, safety and access; the effect on landscape and cultural heritage.

On the principle of development the Reporter, referring to policy, said she did “not consider it had been shown that the development would provide significant economic and social support to the rural area or help meet deficiencies in provision”.

And she further pointed out: “In reaching my conclusions on road infrastructure, safety and access I have taken into account that Transport Scotland has not objected to the proposal.

Government turns down A9 services development appeal on safety grounds

Image by Convery Prenty Architects

“However, in making my assessment I have taken into consideration all of the submissions, including the matters raised in representations and I acknowledge that the local residents and community council who raised concerns on traffic grounds will be familiar with this section of the A9.

“I have also had regard to my [April 28] observations on site. Although the risk of accidents cannot be quantified it is clear that safety is an important consideration in this case.

“On balance, I find that the evidence submitted does not allow me to conclude that safe access can be obtained for vehicles and pedestrians.”

However, the Reporter was “content that the proposal would not have an unacceptable effect upon the significant landscape characteristics and special qualities identified in the Inventory or would significantly detract from the importance or overall integrity of the [Sheriffmuir] battlefield.”

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