Green light for new homes in Elphinstone

East Lothian Council has approved plans for 103 new houses and eight flats on land to the north of Castlehill, Elphinstone.
About this development:
- Authority:East Lothian
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Bellway (developer)
The planning committee had first met to consider the application in November 2024 but agreed to continue the application, and one for a footpath connecting the site to Waterloo Place, to a later meeting to allow for issues with flooding and drainage relating to the existing site being developed by applicant Bellway Homes in Elphinstone to be further investigated.
A report detailed the work and engagement carried out between the developer, partner agencies and the local community to address the issues raised at the November meeting.
Following a debate, the application for new homes was approved by nine votes to two with additional conditions added to ensure community engagement and acceptable foul drainage provision. Four written objections had been received.
The application by Bellway Homes for a connecting footpath was unanimously refused, as the planning committee decided that it would be harmful to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.