Morris & Spottiswood recognised for high health and safety standards

Jon Dunwell
Morris & Spottiswood is celebrating after landing two internationally-recognised awards for demonstrating high health and safety standards.
Morris & Spottiswood Scotland has received a RoSPA Gold Medal (five consecutive Golds) Award, and Morris & Spottiswood England a RoSPA Gold Health and Safety Award for working hard to ensure its staff, customers, clients and contractors get home safely to their families at the end of every working day.
Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety practice. Every year, nearly 2,000 entrants vie to achieve the highest possible accolade in what is the UK’s longest-running H&S industry awards.
Morris & Spottiswood Group CEO Jon Dunwell said: “We are very proud of this achievement where RoSPA recognise those organisations that have gone the extra mile, raising the bar for the delivery of safety in the workplace. Our employees, wherever they may be should be able to go to work safe in the knowledge that they will return home unharmed and healthy at the end of each day.
“Health and safety is our number one concern and we work tirelessly to achieve safe working conditions for staff, supply chain partners and clients, as well as members of the public who may come into contact with our activities. There are always improvements that can be made and we’re committed to a process of continual improvement to ensure our work environments are as safe as possible.”
Julia Small, RoSPA’s achievements director, said: “This is a fantastic and well-deserved accomplishment. All our award entrants demonstrate their unwavering commitment and passion for keeping people safe at work.
“By receiving this recognition, Morris & Spottiswood join like-minded businesses and organisations worldwide, who represent the very best in their approach to health and safety.
“I would like to add my personal thanks for all the work that it has taken to secure this well-deserved award — congratulations to all those involved, who champion and drive up health and safety standards every day. You are a fantastic example to others in your sector.”