New £6.5m funding to pave way for manufacturing unit at Clyde Gateway

Clyde Gateway EastThe Scottish Government has awarded a £1 million loan to the Clyde Gateway regeneration project towards the construction of a new manufacturing unit.

To be built by Kier Construction, procured through the Scape National Minor Works Framework, the £3m unit will be targeted at key growth sectors identified by Scottish Enterprise, who are backing the project along with support from Glasgow City Council.

It is expected to attract 80 new permanent jobs to the area when it is completed later this year whilst the building contract will provide three construction jobs and three training places.

The money was awarded through the Scottish Government’s Scottish Partnership for Regeneration in Urban Centres (SPRUCE) fund.

Housing minister Kevin Stewart has also confirmed that Clyde Gateway will receive £5.5m from the Scottish Government in 2017/18 subject to parliamentary approval this week.

Visiting the site today, Mr Stewart said: “I’m really pleased to be here today to confirm this additional funding, which will not only continue the regeneration of the area but crucially will create dozens of jobs.

“The SPRUCE fund is providing essential investment that is helping to regenerate areas by delivering new infrastructure, supporting the economy and jobs and transforming our communities for the better.

“Over the last few years, Clyde Gateway has been at the forefront of transforming the east end of Glasgow beyond recognition. However it is essential that we maintain that momentum and this additional money being provided by the Scottish Government demonstrates our continued commitment to supporting the delivery of regeneration and improving the lives of the local communities across the east end of Glasgow and South Lanarkshire.”

Councillor George Redmond, the vice-chair of Clyde Gateway and executive member for jobs, business and investment at Glasgow City Council, said: “I am delighted with this twin boost for the city and the Clyde Gateway area.

“The new factory will help increase Glasgow’s manufacturing base which continues to be such a vital component in our efforts to continue the growth of the local economy.

“There is clearly much to celebrate in terms of what has been achieved so far in transforming the fortunes of communities such as Bridgeton, Dalmarnock, Rutherglen and Shawfield but it also is worth noting that we are less than halfway through the 20-year programme of activity.

“It is pleasing that the Scottish Government is acknowledging Clyde Gateway’s great work with £5.5m of funding for the coming year alongside a clear commitment to future activities as this will assist us in our wider efforts to attract the extensive investment and developments necessary to complete the task in hand.”

Ian Manson, chief executive of Clyde Gateway, said: “This new unit continues the success story of Clyde Gateway East business park and is being built to attract the key growth sectors that have been identified by Scottish Enterprise.

“There is clearly an appetite for this kind of manufacturing and engineering space as we’ve already received some tenant enquiries for what is a speculative build. It’s also further evidence of Clyde Gateway’s increasing reputation as a great business destination with companies of all shapes and sizes, from across a number of sectors, locating here and benefitting from our excellent road and public transport links, fantastic business support and superfast broadband provision.”

Philip McDowell, contracts manager of Kier Construction Scotland, added: “We are delighted to be working with Clyde Gateway through the Scape framework on what will be another quality development for this thriving area.

“We are committed to supporting the local supply chain and providing employment and training opportunities for the wider community. During this project we will be providing five work placement opportunities and an apprenticeship role and we will also be working with local schools and colleges to encourage young people to consider a career in the construction industry.”

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