New Gorbals Housing Association consults on redevelopment plan

The towers at 305 and 341 Caledonia Road (Image: Google Street View)
New Gorbals Housing Association has started a process of public consultation on its redevelopment proposals for the site of soon-to-be-demolished multi-storey flats.
Housing blocks at 341 and 305 Caledonia Road will be demolished next year, with the Association’s planning to develop social rented housing to replace the 276 lost houses.
The housing association states on its website: “The proposals are aimed at providing housing to meet a range of need, particularly larger families and people with mobility issues (including wheelchair users).

Designs by Elder and Cannon
“The mix of seven-storey, four-storey and two-storey elements reflects the existing buildings in the area, including the Silverfir Court Tracoba blocks, the Maisonette blocks and the new build developments on Old Rutherglen Road and Oregon Street. Developing blocks taller than four storeys allows us to incorporate lifts to upper floor flats. The two storey elements add to the number of back and front door houses in the area.
“The development follows the successful Crown Street model with maisonettes on the ground and first floors with flats above, sharing a private back court area. The proposals also include a number of two-storey terraced houses. The Association is also exploring the options to provide a community room/facility.”

Proposals by Page\Park
Two architects have been engaged in the design process, each developing designs for separate parts of the site. The proposals for each part of the site can be seen in the following documents:
An open consultation drop-in session was held this week at St Francis Community Centre, 405 Cumberland St, with another set for Wednesday 13th December 2023.