North Lanarkshire Council agrees land deal for Gartcosh Community Hub

A deal has been agreed to purchase three areas of land that will accelerate plans to create a new community hub in Gartcosh.
The proposed new building will incorporate a replacement of the existing Gartcosh Primary School (with increased capacity from 188 to 434 places), new Additional Support Needs (ASN) provision, new early years (nursery) provision along with facilities for the local community.
Councillor Jim Logue, Leader of North Lanarkshire Council, said: “This process has been complex and lengthy, and I would like to thank the community for their patience while we’ve worked to get to this stage. I’m sure this news will be welcomed by everyone associated with the area.
“This is the ideal location for the new community hub to serve both the existing residents and future residents as this area continues to grow.
“The council is fully committed to delivering this project and we currently have a bid with the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Improvement Programme for both the new Gartcosh Primary and an extension to Chryston High School and we hope that ministers share our ambitions and provide the financial backing for both these projects.
“However, if we are unsuccessful with the funding bid, we will still ensure that the new Gartcosh Community Hub project is delivered.”
The council will now carry out a Statutory Education Consultation to relocate the school, which will go before the Education, Children and Families Committee.
A consultation will take place with all stakeholders over the coming months, which will inform the building’s design.
The council will keep the school community and wider community informed of further developments at each stage of the process.