Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

Trainees in the construction industry joined education professionals this morning as they gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s economy, energy and fair work committee as part of its inquiry into construction and Scotland’s economy

Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

As part of the inquiry, the committee visited Edinburgh College yesterday to mark the beginning of Scottish Apprenticeship Week.

Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

The committee met apprentices at the college, to hear their opinions. These apprentices then be gave evidence at the Parliament on why they chose to get into construction and how they find working in the industry.

Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

The inquiry will also be looking at how more girls can be attracted to working in the sector.

Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

Convener of the economy, energy and fair work committee, Gordon Lindhurst MSP, said: “A huge thanks to the apprentices who took part in our roundtable evidence session today. Hearing from apprentices who are learning a variety of trades across Scotland was invaluable in finding out why they chose construction, and where they see their future in the industry.

“It was also interesting to hear what guidance they received when choosing a trade apprenticeship, and whether they are given appropriate support. This evidence will form a vital part of our inquiry on how to attract and retain skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen in the construction industry.”

Pictures: Holyrood committee takes evidence on construction and Scotland’s economy

The papers for the meeting are available here.

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