Plans submitted for new mixed-use development at Gilston Park

A mixed-use development at Gilston Park, Polmont, has promised to deliver £120 million of investment and create hundreds of jobs and much-needed housing if approved by councillors on the Planning Committee of Falkirk Council.

Plans submitted for new mixed-use development at Gilston Park

Additional contributions approaching £8m will also go towards local education, affordable housing, transport infrastructure - including upgrades to junction 4 of the M9 and local junction improvements – new and improved bus services and a site for new healthcare facilities if this is sought by NHS Forth Valley. 

The application for Planning Permission in Principle by Hansteen Land Ltd is for 55.6ha of land located to the east of Gilston Crescent.

This has been allocated as the mixed-use Gilston Strategic Growth Area / Eastern Gateway Strategic Business Location within Falkirk Council’s adopted Local Development Plan.

The scheme has also received the backing of Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce.

The proposed new mixed-use neighbourhood will provide employment and commercial land, around 500 homes (including 25% affordable housing), large areas of parkland and a new neighbourhood centre with potential for retail and community use.

After previous planning proposals for this site were unable to attract large scale business users, Hansteen is seeking approval for this revised, deliverable mix of uses. This includes c. 2.5ha of serviceable employment land for new or local businesses, start-up business enterprises and workshops.

This proposal will also deliver the amount of housing identified by the Local Development Plan allocation and will be a key part of helping Falkirk Council to deliver its required housing land supply.

Around 80 direct construction jobs and 70 indirect jobs will also be created for every year of construction and once established, Gilston Park is expected to support around 300 full-time jobs, benefiting the local community. In addition to significant household expenditure, the proposals will generate in excess of £500m of council tax receipts.

Major new areas of connected parks will be established, with Gilston Burn forming a key focus of the attractive and accessible new neighbourhood. A central sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) pond and associated ecological habitat areas will be provided, with a boardwalk forming part of an extensive new path network.

A generous provision of space will be given over to children’s play, recreation and an area for sport. This will all serve to deliver a key ecological and recreational asset to the surrounding area.

The proposal will also involve the extension of bus service F25 through the site, as well as support for a new service in the future to connect the development to Polmont Station and to shops and services in the village. Proposed new active travel path networks will also be provided throughout Gilston Park and integrate with Polmont’s path networks.

A representative from Hansteen Land Ltd, said: “The Gilston Park development will bring considerable economic benefits to the local community, delivering a jobs boost and millions of pounds worth of investment.

“Creating considerable employment and commercial opportunities, the development will also serve to deliver much-needed housing, including affordable housing. The delivery of linked parks, play areas and new habitat areas will also serve to deliver significant environmental and recreational benefits.

“Our proposals will greatly assist in the regeneration of the area and if approved we look forward to continue to work with the council and the local community on their delivery.”

Lynn Blaikie, president of Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce, added: “It is fantastic to see this level of investment being made in the area, delivering land for employment and commercial uses, as well as much-needed housing. As we recover from the impacts of Covid-19, the delivery of hundreds of jobs and considerable investment is to be applauded, increasing education provision and delivering key transport infrastructure improvements and new bus services.”

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