Publications give insight into future Highland development opportunities

Publications give insight into future Highland development opportunities

The Highland Council has published annual reports which help to monitor infrastructure and give insight into future development opportunities across the region.

School Roll Forecasts are a vital tool used to predict pupil numbers in schools over the next 15 years. The council utilises this information to make sure there are a sufficient number of school places available in growing communities.

The Housing Land Audit report has a key role in making sure that there is an effective supply of land to meet housing requirements over the coming years. The audit contains updated forecasts for housing delivery, as well as information on the progress of sites through the planning process and analysis on house completion. The information also informs the requirements for developer contributions towards new and improved facilities required to support development.

Cllr Glynis Campbell Sinclair, Housing and Property chair, said: “While falling birth rates across the UK are leading to a general reduction in school roll pressures throughout the Highlands, there continues to be specific areas experiencing significant housing growth, with new and exciting economic opportunities promising to shape the future of the Highlands.

“It is important as a local authority that we stay informed on school population and housing figures. Understanding data is a big part of our ability to think and act strategically and it is crucial in helping us to prioritise capital investment decisions. The publication of these reports also helps us to look forward and plan effectively for potential new builds or expansions where needed.”

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