RJ McLeod wins £18.4m harbour development contract
The design and build contract for a marine pier at Scrabster Harbour in Thurso has been awarded to RJ McLeod.

The £18.5 million project for Scrabster Harbour Trust involves the reconstruction and redevelopment of the existing St Ola Pier and deepening of the inner and outer berths of the pier to allow larger vessels, particularly cruise ships, to dock.
Partial demolition of the existing pier will be required to allow for the construction of the new pier walls and decking. Pier quay walls will comprise steel tubular piles with interlocking steel sheet piles.
Any concrete broken out as part of the demolition works will be crushed to use as engineering fill.
The renovated pier will be about 280 metres long.
Works are expected to be completed during the summer of 2021.