Stirling and Clackmannanshire consult on affordable energy masterplan

A public consultation has been launched on a wide-ranging plan to deliver zero carbon, affordable energy for people across Stirling and Clackmannanshire.
Views are being sought on the Regional Energy Masterplan, which outlines the steps required to reach a net zero energy system across both council areas by 2045.
It will also help the regional economy thrive by delivering meaningful and sustainable jobs, underpinned by a locally trained, skilled and diverse workforce.
The Regional Energy Masterplan is a key part of the Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal, a £214 million partnership between both local authorities, the University of Stirling and the UK and Scottish Governments, which aims to deliver 5,000 new jobs over the next decade.
The Regional Energy Masterplan was shaped through engagement with key stakeholders in the sector and lays out a route to net zero using four key levers:
- Energy Efficiency – reducing energy use and heat demand, primarily through building improvements.
- Heat Management – decarbonising heating systems through renewable technologies and Council-led development of heat networks.
- Energy Generation – generating new renewable electricity to support the development of decarbonised heat and local energy security.
- Sequestration – removing residual emissions through the restoration of nature, primarily woodlands.
Stirling Council leader, Cllr Chris Kane, said: “Stirling Council recognised and declared a Climate and Nature Emergency in October 2019 and developed a plan with a view to reaching our net zero aspirations by 2045.
“We are committed to leading the way in transforming our energy systems and tackling fuel poverty. This has never been more important at a time when energy costs have been rising sharply.
“We need everyone, working together, to inspire the change required to tackle the climate emergency – and achieve affordable energy for everyone in our region.
“This will improve the lives of everyone living and working in the region, create job opportunities in the net zero energy sector and support the just transition from fossil fuels.”
Clackmannanshire Council leader, Cllr Ellen Forson, said: “Clackmannanshire Council unanimously declared a climate emergency in August 2021 and committed to achieving net zero by 2045.
“We consider that switching our reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources that produce lower or no greenhouse gas emissions is critically important in tackling the climate crisis.
“The potential of low carbon and renewable energy in tackling poverty, creating new jobs and attracting new business and community investment into the area will very much be part of Clackmannanshire Council’s economic recovery plan and will help us to tackle the current and ongoing cost of living crisis.
“Working in collaboration with Stirling Council, businesses, investors and the community as a whole, we will foster a culture of innovation, research and development which will identify Clackmannanshire and Stirling as leaders in renewable energy and innovators in tackling climate change which will be crucial to delivering Scotland’s first zero carbon region here in Forth Valley.”
The consultation can be accessed online via the Engage Stirling Platform and will remain open for feedback until 27 September.