West Lothian announces £194m revised capital programme

West_LothianWest Lothian Council has unveiled an updated capital programme for 2015/16 to 2017/18 which includes investment in schools, roads and open spaces totalling over £194 million.

A total of £141m will be spent on improving the council’s property assets and over 50 per cent of the budget will go towards improving and developing West Lothian’s school estate.

The revised capital budget includes:

  • £9.5m spending on a planned school improvement programme. This includes a £1.35m renovation at Kirknewton Primary and a £2.5m refurbishment at Toronto Primary
  • £47.8m for general school investment which includes improved provision for pupils with additional support needs and new schools halls at Peel Primary, Broxburn Primary and Carmondean Primary, and a new West Calder High School
  • Nearly £7m to build a new primary school in Armadale including a nursery extension
  • £3.25m for an extension to St Anthony’s Primary School in Armadale

  • £1.85m to extend Simpson Primary School in Bathgate to meet growing demand for extra classroom space
  • Over £10m will be spent to upgrade and maintain roads and footways in West Lothian.
  • £2.37m for flood prevention and drainage works, including a £1.2m investment in the Broxburn Flood Prevention Scheme
  • £4.768m will be spent on providing investment to upgrade road lighting

  • £2.5m for town centres and villages
  • £2.7m will be spent on open spaces and sports facilities in West Lothian including a new 3G pitch in Linlithgow. New 3G pitches are due to be installed in Broxburn and Fauldhouse later this year.
  • Over £1.2m will be spent on improving children’s play areas.
  • Over £4m to develop a new Blackburn Partnership Centre

  • Nearly £4m for a new Linlithgow Partnership Centre
  • £8.7m to develop partnership centres at East Calder, Armadale and Whitburn
  • Plans for each of the proposed partnership centres will start to be developed in the near future with consultation with communities also planned.

    Blackburn Partnership Centre
    Blackburn Partnership Centre

    The council also plans to spend more than £144m improving and increasing its housing stock over the next three years.

    Details of the council’s housing budget have revealed that more than £94m will be spent on building new council houses, with all contracts for the 1000 new build houses contract coming on stream in 2015.

    The local authority has plans to build a further 1000 new homes by 2017, with each council ward area seeing developments.

    Community benefits such as training and employment opportunities for apprentices, local people and businesses are all set to be part of the new build project.

    The capital programme for housing will also invest over £49m improving the existing stock. Projects will include external upgrading in areas of greatest need, investment in energy efficiency measures and replacement of central heating systems to help reduce fuel poverty.

    There is also a proposal to install PV (solar) panels on council houses in locations that have no gas supply.

    Major refurbishments will take place in the Mayfield area of Armadale, Main Street in Fauldhouse, and Bathville flats in Armadale.

    “Communities across West Lothian will benefit greatly from our Capital programme, said Council Leader John McGinty.

    “The challenges that all councils face have been well documented. However, we have an ambitious and exciting capital investment programme, which will result in improvements to the services provided by the council and the overall infrastructure throughout West Lothian.

    “Our programme is firmly based upon the needs and priorities of our communities. We are investing in West Lothian and the outcomes will continue to shape our communities for generations to come.

    Councillor McGinty added: “The Capital Programme covers all areas of the council and will build upon the progress that has already been made. West Lothian Council will continue to work with communities to support and develop projects that benefit West Lothian.”

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