Wise Property Care completes essential works at Stobhill Hospital

Wise Property Care has completed essential maintenance works at Stobhill Hospital in north Glasgow as part of the hospital’s £11 million expansion project.

The property care company has ensured the building will be gas compliant, meaning that all gases produced by activities in the hospital will be safely transported away from patients, staff and guests.

The work included the installation of gas barrier membranes to shower bases as well as ground floor slabs that will prevent gas from permeating into the finished building. Specialists also sealed all pipe penetrations with membranes to provide effective defences against any gas, such as methane, from getting inside.

The company was commissioned to waterproof the basement structure at the same time, and this included the installation of a Proofex Sheetdrain. Fixed to walls and flooring, this material ensures that groundwater and gases are successfully transported away from the structure, linking with the onsite drainage system for efficiency.

Jordan Cullen, senior surveyor at Wise Basement Systems, said: “Our team of experts have ensured the building will be fully damp proof, by safeguarding the basement foundations with specially-produced materials that will prevent any moisture from passing into the interior of the hospital.

“The fit for purpose damp proofing course will also help to prevent structural damage to the building in future and keep harmful gases away from the people that use the facility. It’s been a rewarding project, and I’m looking forward to seeing the building completed, and the new wards being used by local residents.”

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