Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit 2024
The Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit 2024!
Sustainable solutions for a new reality
Venue: V&A Dundee
Date: Thursday, September 26th
Time: 10am to 4pm
Scotland faces significant challenges in tackling a chronic shortage of accessible housing and ensuring the nation’s future housing stock is fit for the new reality of an ageing population and an increase in people with complex needs.
Horizon Housing (a partner in Link Group) and Scottish Housing News, with generous support from Campion Homes, are hosting a one-day summit at which leaders from across sectors will come together to:
- discuss how accessible housing can reduce pressure on social care and health services;
- identify and debate new solutions to pressing issues;
- explore new partnerships to support prevention and early intervention; and
- produce practical recommendations for change.
Who will be at the summit?
Scottish housing minister Paul McLennan will deliver a welcome address at the event. Speakers and panellists will include:
- Donna Bell, director of social care and National Care Service Development for the Scottish Government
- Katherine Crawford, chief executive, Age Scotland
- Jeremy Porteus, chief executive, The Housing Learning and Improvement Network
- Jacquie Pepper, chief officer, Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership
- Susan Campbell, director of place, Scottish National Investment Bank
- Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, first permanent wheelchair user elected to the Scottish Parliament & deputy convener of Cross-Party Group on Disability
- Lucy Fraser, head of innovation, Albyn Housing
- Olga Clayton, interim head of housing & construction, Dundee City Council
- Rowena Statt, research & development director, Anderson Bell & Christie
- Dr Cate Pemble, DesHCA (Designing homes for healthy cognitive ageing) Stirling University
- Dougie Herd, joint managing director, Campion Homes
- Laura Wood, director & founder, Invisible Creations
Who is the event aimed at?
Senior executives and decision-makers from health and social care organisations, housing associations, local councils, architectural practices, house builders, estate agents, surveyors and planners, legislators, policymakers and financial experts involved in funding accessible housing developments, as well as people with lived experience.
What will happen on the day?
Arrivals and coffee from 10.00 with formal proceedings starting at 10.30. There will be coffee and lunch breaks, with lunch provided. The event concludes at 16.00.
Details of confirmed guest speakers, session chairs and expert panellists will be revealed in the coming weeks.
This event has now sold out. People interested in coming along should contact Kieran Findlay at k.findlay@scottishnews.com in the event of cancellations making tickets available.