Scottish Government

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The Scottish Government is providing over £7 million across Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, The Highland Council, Moray Council and Dundee City Council to encourage greater private investment in the electric vehicle (EV) charging network. In line with the Scottish Government&rsqu

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Scottish Government plans to address cuts to affordable rented housing through private investment are in danger of destabilising Scotland’s social housing, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has warned. During her opening speech at SFHA’s annual conference in Glasgow,

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Independent government advisers have criticised proposals by Scottish ministers to replace gas boilers with heat pumps stressing that the current timetable for implementation is “unrealistic” and that households risk becoming vulnerable to “rogue traders”.

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A strategy to drive Scotland’s fair and just transition away from fossil fuels will be published by next summer, the Scottish Government has revealed. Energy minister Gillian Martin announced the timeline as the consultation responses to the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, and

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Clare Paterson writes about the initiatives and efforts undertaken by the Scottish Government and the construction industry to reform the process of construction procurement, discussing recent workshops focused on streamlining procurement, increasing collaboration, and improving outcomes. On average

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The Scottish Government's transport portfolio is to be restored as a cabinet position as First Minister Humza Yousaf changed Màiri McAllan’s cabinet secretary remit to ‘transport, net zero and just transition’. Alongside this change, experienced former cabinet secretary Fion

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Transport Minister Kevin Stewart has tendered his resignation to the First Minister and stepped down from his ministerial post for health-related reasons. Mr Stewart previously served as the Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning from 2016 , and Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social

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Plans to transform the Western Isles into a world-leading hub for clean energy production are to take a leap forward with the support of a match-funded grant from the Scottish Government’s Hydrogen Innovation Scheme’s Emerging Energy Technologies Fund, worth £1.129 million. In a ma

1-15 of 71 Articles