Bellway supports launch of Midlothian youth club

Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland East) has provided a helping hand to support the permanent opening of The Base, a new youth club in Danderhall, Midlothian.
The housebuilder provided £200 to support the hall hire for the club which meets weekly on Friday evenings between 5.30pm and 7.30pm at The Hub, Edmonstone Road.
Set up by parents, The Base aims to provide a safe space and activities for young people, aged between eight and twelve years old, living in Hilltop, Millerhill, Danderhall, Newton Village and Shawfair.
The Base was officially opened last week after five months of planning and 63 children have registered for the club.
Samantha Jenkinson, The Base Treasurer, said: “There’s very little for children to do locally out with school times and many existing clubs are expensive, with long waiting times.
“It’s taken a lot of planning and our Secretary Nicola Anderson has been instrumental in drafting all the required policies and paperwork. We are grateful to everyone who has helped.
“We couldn’t believe that we ran out of registration forms at our launch which is a great indication of how much the club is needed. We’re delighted to receive Bellway’s donation which has enabled us to hire two halls and accommodate all the children keen to attend.”
Lynn Pringle, sales director, Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland East), added: “It’s fantastic to see such a strong community spirit and commitment by local parents to support young people. We wish everyone involved the very best and it’s certainly got off to a flying start.”