Brodies launches health and safety app for businesses
Brodies LLP has launched a new mobile app to provide information about health and safety obligations for businesses and guidance to help deal with health and safety incidents.

The app, Health & Safety by Brodies, features easy-to-use checklists, legal updates and handy guides to support users in the initial response to an incident.

Elena Fry
Elena Fry, health and safety expert and partner at Brodies, said: “The UK has a well-established health and safety legislative framework designed to set out what business’ health and safety legal obligations are. But dealing with an incident or a visit from the HSE can be difficult and stressful.
“We developed Health & Safety by Brodies to help take some of that stress away by guiding businesses and individuals through the process and steps that should be taken if an incident occurs.
“Our checklists help make sure you have everything under control, when you need it. It is also important to know what to do in the event of a visit from the HSE. The app outlines what you can expect and how to prepare.”