Clyde Gateway aims to restore Victorian industrial building in Dalmarnock

Urban regeneration company Clyde Gateway is seeking approval to transform a disused gas works in Dalmarnock into office accommodation.

Clyde Gateway aims to restore Victorian industrial building in Dalmarnock

Working with Sheppard Robson and Inch Architecture & Design, the regeneration body wants to convert the former gas purifier shed and adjoining meter house at Poplin Street into five separate office units. A new access road and landscaping are also part of the proposal.

Purifier Studios is among just five Victorian industrial buildings remaining in the area.

A statement submitted with the planning application explains: “The unique structure of the adjoining buildings offers an exciting opportunity to develop an innovative space and create a stimulating business environment.

“The office units will be targeted at creative industries, will be designed to accentuate the unique structure, providing flexible internal space.

“The design of the elevations is to enliven the surrounding streetscape and offer where possible active elevations to the urban realm.”

Repair works have already been carried out to the structure, clearing the way for division of the space to form six individual units, each with an entrance lobby, open plan office at ground floor and mezzanine level, toilet and shower/changing facilities, locker storage and break-out spaces. There will be 26 vehicle parking spaces plus bike racks.

Clyde Gateway aims to restore Victorian industrial building in Dalmarnock

Meanwhile, Clyde Gateway has announced Alison Thewliss MP as its new chair, succeeding Lord Smith of Kelvin whose new position as chair of Scottish Enterprise required him to step down.

Ian Manson, chief executive of Clyde Gateway, said: “The role of our independent chair is vitally important. It requires someone who commands the widest possible respect from our council partners, our agency stakeholders and, most importantly of all, the local residents from across all our communities.

“Alison fits the bill perfectly and in accepting our approach to become the chair is extending an involvement with us that stems from our very beginning more than a decade ago.

“Alison has always taken an immense interest in Clyde Gateway, dating back to her time as a councillor in the east end of the city, coming along to the many public consultation events that we undertook in the early days, offering her views and opinions on all of our ideas and plans.

“Her initial election to Westminster back in 2015 further strengthened our relationship and it has been very pleasing that her speeches and contributions to debates within the House of Commons have often contained complimentary references to our work and activities.

“She has worked hard for us behind the scenes, using her position and influence to press home her personal support for our efforts with colleagues of all political persuasions and at all levels. She is taking up the reins at a particularly important time for Clyde Gateway as we seek to maintain the momentum of what is just over a decade of transformation and I look forward, not just to working closely with her but utilising her extensive skills, knowledge and experience.”

Clyde Gateway aims to restore Victorian industrial building in Dalmarnock

Alison Thewliss

Alison Thewliss said: “I have long been impressed with the vision and ambition of Clyde Gateway. It is a fantastic partnership effort to which Glasgow and South Lanarkshire councils, Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government all make a vital contribution but in which a very wide and diverse range of community groups have a significant say in what actually happens on the ground.

“It was flattering to be asked to step into the shoes of Lord Smith. I was very keen to do so, and at the same time I am delighted to be the first woman to take up the post. I also wanted to ensure that my neighbouring colleagues within Westminster, along with those who represent our communities at Holyrood, would be happy as I believe strongly that all politicians and community leaders have an important part to play in supporting and promoting Clyde Gateway at all times.

“I am delighted to have received their backing and cannot wait to get fully involved with Ian and his hard-working team, together with the other members of the board who give so generously and freely of their time to make a difference to the lives of our local residents.

“Clyde Gateway has much to be proud of from its efforts thus far. There has been a much welcomed social and economic transformation across the communities, all of which must be maintained in the years ahead, and I am determined to do all I can to ensure this happens.”

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