East Ayrshire Council doubles roads budget for 2019/20
East Ayrshire Council has increased its roads budget for 2019/20 from £3.505 million to £7m, and the improvement programme that will target the bridge and road network.

Evidence from data gathered clearly shows that significant investment is required to maintain the road network at its current level and that without investment the road condition would deteriorate requiring more expensive resurfacing works to be carried out.
The council has therefore taken the decision to invest over £15m this year in the road network including structural maintenance road surfacing, footway maintenance, street lighting improvements including LED light replacement, flooding works at New Cumnock, bridge and culvert strengthening and transportation.
Councillor Douglas Reid, leader of the council, said: “This investment in our road network reflects the importance of improved infrastructure on the economic development and regeneration of East Ayrshire. The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, in consultation with Elected Members, Community Councils and Community Action Plan Steering Groups, has developed an ambitious programme of improvements that will ensure the safety of our roads and bridges and will see 65km of road being surfaced in the next year.”
The Ayrshire Roads Alliance has committed to continuing to employ innovative resurfacing techniques as part of the improvement programme. A section of road between Dunlop and Neilston was resurfaced recently using plastic additives. This surface is being monitored regularly and further investigations are being undertaken to ensure that the material is cost effective and hard wearing before a commitment is made to resurfacing additional stretches of road with this material.
Councillor Jim Roberts, cabinet member for economy and infrastructure, said: “By re-profiling of the road and bridge programmes the council is able to sustain the significant increased and necessary investment in our infrastructure.
“This increased funding will ensure a strong focus on addressing the quality of the infrastructure asset. We are responding to our community’s needs and ensuring the improved safety of both our roads and bridges.”