In Pictures: First look at Passivhaus-designed Perth High School
New illustrations showcasing how the new £58 million Perth High School have been released.
About this development:
- Authority:Perth and Kinross
- Type:Education
- Applications:
- Team:NORR (architect)

Plans for the Passivhaus design have now been submitted to Perth and Kinross Council. The development will deliver a replacement school complete with associated car parking, playgrounds and the relocation of existing sports pitches including a full sized, synthetic, floodlit sports pitch.

The existing building will be demolished after the new building has been completed, while the existing detached sports building will be retained.

Perth High School has shared the artist’s impressions of how its new building will look via Twitter last week. The environmentally friendly design allowed the council to secure 50% of the capital funding from the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme.

Originally due to open in August 2023, the facility is now expected to open in the summer of 2024.