Just A Minute with Dale Taylor

Dale Taylor
Dale Taylor, co-founder and technical director at Compliance LEV, takes on SCN’s Just A Minute feature.
How did you get started in the industry? I worked for a Kilmarnock-based blue chip engine component manufacturer, and dealt with ventilation issues for risky materials. As part of my duties I, started creating and became very engaged with oil mist control solutions. I then joined a ventilation business before setting out with co-founder Kevin Simmonds on our own to form Compliance LEV.
Biggest professional achievement: Co-founding Compliance LEV.
Best advice you received: Measure twice, cut once (meaning always double check before the point of no return!)
What do you like most about your job? I love nothing more than taking a problem and then working to solve it.
I also like that by focusing on creating cleaner air within the working environment we are playing an important part in preventing health issues arising for factory workers, so really, everything we do is about saving lives and reducing future burden for the NHS.
And the least? Days spent at my computer screen, as I am quite a sociable person.
What is the most important part of the industry? Making sure that in getting the job done we look after each other and ensure that everyone is safe and protected throughout their working day.
If you could change one thing in construction, what would it be? Reduction in exposure to crystalline silica, which is the dust cloud you see when workers, often without face masks, are cutting concrete on roads or on sites. It’s not just seriously bad for the health of the workers as the nasty particles cause irreversible damage to lungs, but too often you see it in the street spraying passers-by. This is entirely unacceptable and completely ignores the “health” element of “health and safety” which is a legal and moral obligation of all employers.
What are the biggest challenges your firm has faced since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic? The pandemic highlighted the importance of breathing clean air and respiratory health, so it actually helped raise awareness of our products. As a result our business has grown rapidly, so managing that has been challenging.
Has anything changed for the better? No one enjoys wearing masks as we all had to during the pandemic but one benefit is the heightened awareness of what’s in the air we breathe every day, whether in factories or in the street.
How do you receive your industry news? I am constantly reading HSE publications and watching for British Occupation Hygiene Society updates (we are a BOHS endorsed training provider) as it keeps me informed of the latest research and changes in regulation. SCN is, of course, a must-read publication.
How would you change Scottish Construction Now? I am relatively new to the website and really enjoy the variety of content. One thing to consider adding are more stories about changes in health and safety legislation.
Which social media sites do you find the most useful? LinkedIn for business and Facebook for personal.
Hobbies and interests: Music: I’ve just retired after twenty years of singing in a band, Fusion, at functions such as weddings on most Friday and Saturday nights. I also enjoy motorbikes, family time, walking dogs, and the gym. A good work life balance is vital and I regularly push this to my work colleagues.
Favourite holiday destination: Tenerife on many occasions over the years and love it every time.
- If you or a colleague would like to participate in the feature please contact newsdesk@scottishnews.com.