


Applicant: New Ingliston Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: International Business Gateway, Edinburgh Phase 2; comprising development of new buildings to provide mixed use development including business and employment uses (Class 4), hotel(s) (Class 7), residential (Class 9), non-residential institution uses/education campus (Class 10), and ancillary uses including retail (Class 1), financial and professional services (Class 2), food and drink (Class 3), residential institutions (Class 8), assembly and leisure (Class 11), sui generis flatted development and other related infrastructure and associated works including car parking, servicing, access arrangements and public realm.

LocationLand 500 Metres North East Of Ingliston Park And Ride 2 Eastfield Road Edinburgh:

Agent: GVA Grimley Ltd.,


Applicant: Quartermile Ventures Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Change of use to residential and proposed alterations and extension to building to form residential development with Class I/II/III uses at ground floor.

Location: 1 Lauriston Place Edinburgh

Agent: Montagu Evans LLP, Edinburgh. 4th Floor, Exchange Tower 19 Canning Street Edinburgh




Applicant: CALA Management Ltd, Mr Andrew Dimmer Cairnlee House Callendar Business Park Callendar Road Falkirk

Planning Authority: Falkirk

Details:Construction of 44 Dwellings and Associated Landscaping, Roads and Drainage Infrastructure

Location: Land To The East Of 4 Titlandhill Cottages Falkirk

Agent: Applicant

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