Leads and Tenders - 5th April


Applicant: Ms Susan Maxwell

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Change of use from nursery to three number flats and rear extension to existing property

Location: 264 Broomhill Road, Aberdeen

Agent: David MacDonald,Albion House 6 Castlehill Aberdeen

Applicant: Henry Duncan (West End) Ltd

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Conversion of residential home for elderly to form seven flats with internal and external alterations to listed building

Location: 1 Lancaster Terrace Glasgow

Agent: NVDC Architects, Clydeway House 813 South Street Per Farahbod Nakhaei Glasgow

Applicant: J Wilson

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Residential development comprising of five houses and associated access

Location: Redundant Station Yard And Associated Grounds Dolphinton West Linton

Agent: 4 Acredale Road Eyemouth Scottish Borders


Contract Authority: Loreburn Housing Association

Details:Roofing Works - Huntingdon, 27 Moffat Road , Dumfries. The purpose of this PQQ is to consider those contractors suitable to progress to tender stage for reroofing works. This project consists of Loreburn Housing Association’s Dumfries office, which comprises a period sandstone property with 1980’s single story extensions to the side and rear. It will be Loreburn’s intention to take up to a maximum of 6 contractors through from the PQQ to tender stage.

Location: Dumfries

Contact: Andrew Robb 01387321333

Publication Date: 30/03/2016

Contract Authority: Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association

Details: HSHA Individual Boiler Heating Upgrades 2016/17

Location: Lothian

Contact: Will Anderson

Publication Date: 01/04/2016

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