Miller Homes Scotland West trainee Emily McNeice on National Apprenticeship Week
Emily McNeice (Image: Jeff Holmes ©)
In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week, Miller Homes Scotland West trainee Emily McNeice, who is nearing the end of her four-year apprenticeship as a trainee surveyor, reflects on her time and experience as an apprentice and looks forward to an exciting career in the construction sector.
Emily (21) from Glasgow first learned about the apprenticeship programme following discussions with her school career adviser.
Emily said: “I wasn’t really sure about what I wanted to do after getting my Highers, and I didn’t know if the construction sector would be for me; however, I thought surveying sounded interesting, so I decided to take a leap of faith and apply. The rest, as they say, is history, and I’m glad I decided to go for it.”
Asked about finding the balance between studying and working, Emily shares her advice for school leavers and those thinking about exploring an apprenticeship role.
She said: “You must be eager to learn and committed. There’s a lot involved in undertaking an apprenticeship, and it was as much about Miller Homes investing in me as I was with them. I was lucky to be supported by a great team across the business. My colleagues are constantly looking for ways to support my learning which has been essential to my development.
“I would spend four days of the week in the office and then one day a week learning the theory related to building and civil engineering projects at Glasgow Caledonian University. It was great, as I’ve met new people who will also be entering the industry.”
Miller Homes asked Emily what her proudest moment of the apprenticeship has been; she said: “There are almost too many moments to count, but if I had to pick one thing, I’m most proud about, it would be progressing to have the responsibly to manage my own development. With the support of my manager, I have grabbed this opportunity with both hands.”
For someone of Emily’s experience, this level of responsibility isn’t granted lightly.
She said: “It really hit home as to how far I have come.”
When asked what advice she would give those considering a career in construction, she said: “There are so many areas within the industry to consider. Initially, I was a little hesitant to enter what was traditionally a male industry, but I shouldn’t have been; there are more females than ever in the sector. As long as you are passionate about pursuing a career, the rest will come.
“I’m now counting down the days until I’m fully qualified and am looking forward to a future career in the construction industry.”
Emily will complete her apprenticeship in June and looks forward to starting her chartered surveying qualification.