Pre-contract notice issued for £500m Monklands hospital
Potential design and delivery partners for the new University Hospital Monklands on the outskirts of Airdrie are being invited to engage in a pre-procurement consultation ahead of the formal procurement launch.

NHS Lanarkshire has published a prior information notice on the Public Contract Scotland website inviting firms to express interest in the £500 million project.
The health body said the existing facility has greatly exceeded its design life which poses many operational and financial challenges. In early 2016, it announced its intention to replace or refurbish the current facilities.
A site at Wester Moffat was confirmed as the preferred location for the new hospital in January 2021 following option appraisals and extensive public consultation.

Under present plans, the new hospital is expected to be opened in 2028. Concept designs for the new hospital have been unveiled by Keppie Design.
The new hospital will be the first in Scotland to be designed from the outset to be fully net zero for both the build and operation phases, meaning it will not contribute to carbon emissions.

NHS Lanarkshire is working with the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland Assure – the new service established to assess the quality and management of healthcare construction projects – as it continues to develop its outline business case, to be submitted to the Scottish Government for approval following sign-off through the new NHS Assure process during the course of 2022.
NHS Scotland Assure is a new service that aims to be recognised across the world as a national centre for reducing risks in the healthcare built environment. The service will ensure safety, fitness for purpose, cost effectiveness and capability to deliver sustainable services.
Tenders will be invited at the start of March.