Scottish Land Commission announces seminar on public interest-led development

The Scottish Land Commission has announced a free day-long seminar on public interest-led development, bringing together developers, local authorities, architects, surveyors, investors and members of the public.

The seminar, taking place in Glasgow on 25 April 2018, will consider:

  • If the state needs to act as the ‘prime mover’, to make development happen, where it would otherwise not do so
  • Whether public interest-led development (PILD) can deliver specific public-policy objectives
  • What the advantages of PILD are, in place of relying solely on the market
  • Which mechanisms are required for the public sector to assemble land, capture any value uplift

  • What skills and expertise will the public sector need, if it is to take a leadership role
  • Bringing together public and private sector to look at public interest-led development, the seminar will feature case studies to illustrate what can be achieved through it.

    It has been organised to encourage discussion around the Land Lines discussion paper The Delivery of Public Interest Led Development in Scotland, written by Steven Tolson and Archie Rintoul and published last month by the Scottish Land Commission.

    The seminar will be chaired by Jonathan Guthrie, director for strategic public partnerships at Robertson Group. Tickets can be reserved from EventBrite.

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