SURF launches search for best practice in community regeneration

The annual SURF Awards for best practice in community regeneration were launched online yesterday for 2020.
The SURF Awards are delivered each year by SURF, a regeneration forum with over 300 cross-sector member organisations across Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. The purpose is to highlight, celebrate and share the achievements of initiatives that address physical, social and economic challenges in communities across Scotland.
The 2020 SURF Awards will have a particular focus, where relevant, on rewarding and showcasing projects who have adapted, or created, services to support their communities through the COVID-19 crisis. Projects can be judged on up to two years of previous activity, and will not be negatively scored for failing to deliver planned activities for 2020 which were impacted by COVID-19.
This year’s five thematic categories include; Supporting Youth Employability sponsored by Skills Development Scotland, Creative Regeneration sponsored by Creative Scotland, Community Led Regeneration sponsored by Highlands and Island Enterprise, Scotland’s Most Improved Place sponsored by Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Architecture & Design Scotland and finally Housing and Regeneration sponsored by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.
The winners of the 2020 Awards will be announced by a Scottish Government minister at a celebratory dinner in Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel on December 10, SURF will make necessary adjustments if restrictions remain in place.

This year SURF will again be holding a Caption Competition for the main Awards Image featuring a chameleon. The best and funniest caption will win a free place at the SURF Awards Celebratory Dinner.
SURF’s chair, Kate Wimpress, said: “I am very pleased to announce the launch the 2020 SURF Awards. The Awards recognise excellence in community regeneration work throughout Scotland; of all scales and across all sectors. The Awards also work to share knowledge and expertise and highlight the role community regeneration has in improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
“The SURF Awards are of particular importance this year as, arguably, the communities within which we work have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these communities have also been at the forefront of innovative, expedient and empathetic responses to the crisis, and I am sure the 2020 Awards will reflect and celebrate this work.”
Karen Dick from Creative Scotland added: “In these difficult times, it’s more important than ever for Creative Scotland to partner with SURF to highlight the crucial role of artists, the arts and creativity in supporting community resilience and regeneration through the SURF Awards.
“We hope that the Awards will provide an opportunity to show how creativity can help our communities to recover from this crisis, and to lead the way in reimagining our future.”
For further information on the SURF Awards and to download application materials, please visit or contact Emma Scott on