Work starts on NHS Ayrshire & Arran development as plans submitted for another
Work has begun on site for a National Secure Adolescent Inpatient Service being built on the Ayrshire Central Hospital campus in Irvine.

The site is currently being secured and the ground cleared so that foundations can be prepared while the project goes through the new NHS Scotland Assure process in anticipation of its Full Business Case approval by the Scottish Government.
Named Foxgrove, the facility will be a 12-bedded unit for children aged 12 to 18 years who have complex difficulties and need a high level of care. It will provide the first medium secure adolescent inpatient service for young people in Scotland. The development is a key strand of the Scottish Government’s Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027. The purpose-built facility means that children will be cared for nearer to home and will receive appropriate care, treatment, therapies, security and ongoing education.
The building works are expected to be complete by September 2022, with the facility operational and receiving patients in November 2022.
Director of North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Caroline Cameron, said: “It is great to see work beginning on site. This really is an important milestone in the development of Foxgrove and takes us one step closer to providing first-class services for this most challenging and vulnerable group of patients.
“Foxgrove will improve the outcomes for young people who are seriously unwell and pose a risk to themselves and others. For the first time, these individuals will be provided with the complex mental health care and support services they need within an appropriate environment in Scotland.”
Meanwhile, NHS Ayrshire & Arran has submitted plans to East Ayrshire Council to build emergency accommodation at Crosshouse Hospital.
The proposed temporary facility will be located between the Combined Assessment Unit and Ayrshire Maternity Unit.
The designs for the single-storey modular facility show plans for ten consultation rooms, a staff room, prep room, toilets, a reception and waiting room.
The application has described the building as ‘emergency accommodation’ with the submission specifying the new facility will provide temporary consultation space.
Joanne Edwards, director of acute services at NHS Ayrshire & Arran, said: “NHS Ayrshire & Arran have plans currently underway to construct a Pre-operative Assessment Modular Building on the grounds of University Hospital Crosshouse.
“The pre-operative assessment service was displaced from its previous accommodation in University Hospital Crosshouse in order to free up accommodation for other critical services to support the pandemic response.
“Following interim arrangements for the pre-operative assessment services to operate, the service recognises the need to provide a more robust arrangement for accommodation, particularly as we prepare to increase elective operations in 2022.”
Following commissioning and testing work, it is anticipated that the facility will be operational by the end of March 2022.