Six local authorities have been confirmed for the Key Agencies Group collaborative support offer following today’s release of the new Scottish Government guidance for producing Local Development Plans (LDPs). Pilot work on the Collaborative Local Development Plan Offer will be taken forward wi
Work is underway to build the new Easthouses Primary School. The new primary, on the site of the old Newbattle High School, will be able to accommodate 459 children. There will be 16 places to support children with Additional Support Needs (ASN) from across Midlothian, and 80 pre-school places.
Midlothian Council is hosting a series of public consultation events in May and June where residents can give their views on the future use of land in the region and find out about the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). Attendees will also get the chance to talk about open spaces and pl
Smith Scott Mullan Associates has submitted a planning application on behalf of Midlothian Council for a £31 million multi-activity national leisure destination on the Pentland Hills.
Six new flats in a courtyard behind Buccleuch Street in Dalkeith, part of an ambitious energy-efficient council housing programme, are expected to be welcoming their new council tenants in the autumn.
Midlothian Council has agreed to use its compulsory purchase powers to help secure a future for Mavisbank House – a Category A Listed historic building near Bonnyrigg. However, the council will only do so once The Landmark Trust, a charity which rescues important historic buildings, has a viab
Work has started on-site to build 20 new affordable housing apartments in Midlothian. Situated on the High Street of Bonnyrigg’s popular town centre, Cruden Building is delivering the project on behalf of Midlothian Council. The new homes will support the council’s wider ambition to reac
Melville Housing Association is to invest £1.65 million in improvements to tenants’ homes throughout Midlothian over the next 12 months. Investment in the new financial year, funded entirely from rental income, will see the replacement of 245 central heating systems, bathrooms and kitche
Springfield Properties has secured outline planning consent to create a sustainable new neighbourhood in Midlothian.
Midlothian Council has been successful in its applications for the Sustrans’ Places for Everyone fund to deliver three active travel projects.
Housebuilder Muir Homes has purchased land with planning permission to build high-quality family homes at its first development in Midlothian.
A planning application has been submitted for the proposed delivery of nearly 400 new houses on the edge of a Midlothian village.
Work is due to begin in January 2023 on a new junction, access road, car park and landscaping that are key to delivering Midlothian Council’s ambitious vision for Destination Hillend.
David Lloyd Leisure, the health, fitness, and leisure group, has announced that work has begun on the David Lloyd Edinburgh Shawfair development, with the club opening in summer 2023.
A community space for men to socialise in Midlothian is using a donation of top soil from Shawfair LLP to good use by harvesting vegetables for its community cafe and for local families in need. Newton Hut is a member of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association which aims to ensure that all men in