Construction leads - July 21st


Applicant: Aberdeen City Council

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Construction of 3 storey integrated mortuary (Class 8) including mortuary and post-mortem facilities, teaching/research and ancillary functions with access, parking, landscaping and associated works

Location: Land At Foresterhill Campus Aberdeen

Agent: Keppie Design, 160 West Regent Street, Glasgow

Reference: 210987/DPP

Application Link 


Applicant: Balfe Ltd

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Change of use from class 7 (hotels and hostels) to student accommodation (sui generis), providing a total of 130 en-suite studios and alterations to existing building including construction of extensions; formation of terrace; alterations to existing windows, installation of new windows and other associated works

Location: 21 - 23 Justice Mill Lane, Aberdeen

Agent: Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen

Reference: 210984/DPP

Application Link 



Applicant: Mr Alan Williams

Planning Authority:  Scottish Borders

Details: Construction of 3 holiday lodges and formation of access road, bin storage, reed beds and turing head with footpath

Location: Land North West Of Whitmuir Hall Selkirk Scottish Borders

Agent: Mosaic Architecture + Design 226 West George Street Glasgow

Reference: 21/01150/AMC

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Aberdeen City Council

Details: This tender is for the Operation & Maintenance duties associated with a new district heating network being established in Torry, Aberdeen. There will also be a requirement for the successful contractor to undertake (or arrange and manage the undertaking of) some upgrading and additional infrastructure works in relation to expansion of the physical district heating system as the network grows as well as the potential to deliver Metering & Billing services.

Location: Aberdeen


Publication Date: 20/07/2021


Contract Authority: Scottish Natural Heritage

Details: Proposed Installation of Stock Crossings

Location: Craigengar


Publication Date: 20/07/2021

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