Construction leads - April 19th


Applicant: Beaverhall Road (Edinburgh) LLP.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of mixed-use development comprising residential and other commercial uses, with associated private amenity and open space, landscaping /public realm, car parking, access arrangements, and associated infrastructure.

Location: 27 & 29 Beaverhall Road Edinburgh

Agent: Turley. FAO: Colin Smith 7-9 North St David Street Edinburgh

Reference: 22/01654/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: CW Properties, Cambay, And CA Ventures.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Demolition of the existing warehouse building and construction of sui generis flatted dwellings including mainstream, affordable and student accommodation with a ground floor commercial unit and associated infrastructure, landscaping, and a reconfiguration of the existing car park.

Location: Land To East Of 139 Leith Walk Edinburgh 

Agent: Manson Architects & Planners. (Ainslie Pl). Fao. Ross Manson. 25 Ainslie Place Edinburgh

Reference: 22/01563/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Innbro Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Erect 6 new houses, conversion of former farmhouse to 3 residential units and associated landscaping and alterations.

Location: 83 Pentland View Edinburgh

Agent: META Architecture. FAO Matthew Ansell One Lochrin Square 92 Fountainbridge Edinburgh

Reference: 22/01495/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Scottish Prison Service

Details: This project is to replace the 2 existing dual fuel hot water boilers which are reaching the end of their economic life at HMP Castle Huntly. The Works shall include the design, installation, testing and commissioning of replacement dual fuel boilers of appropriate output, together with associated pipework, headers, pumps, flues, valves, gas and oil safety systems and controls installations.

Location: Castle Huntly


Publication Date: 18/04/2022


Contract Authority: East Dunbartonshire Council

Details: To replace one section of slate roof and lead flashings

Location: Twechar PS


Publication Date: 18/04/2022

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