Construction Leads - April 1st


Applicant: Urban Union

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Phased mixed-use development comprising residential, office, shops, hotel, food and drink, student accommodation, associated roads, parking and infrastructure, landscaping, public realm and open space

Location: Site bounded by Eglinton St/Gorbals St/Norfolk Street/ Cumberland Street, Glasgow

Agent: Barton Willmore, As Per Gordon Thomson, 68 George Street, Edinburgh


Applicant: Aberdeen City Council

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: The construction of a new school for children with additional support needs (arising from severe and complex factors) including all associated hard and soft landscaping, sprinkler tank enclosure, bin store, cycle shelter, relocated public bus terminus, car parking with pupil drop off and the formation of a new site access road.

Location: Vacant site Davidson Drive, Aberdeen

Agent: Stewart Davie, 64 Queen Street, Edinburgh



Applicant: Dundas Estates and Development Co Ltd

Planning Authority: South Lanark

Details: Proposed residential development comprising 42 dwelling houses with associated roads, SUDs & landscaping

Location: Gilbertfield Road, Cambuslang

Agent: Hypostyle Architects, 49 St. Vincent Crescent, Glasgow

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