Construction Leads - February 20th


Applicant: RC Diocese of Aberdeen

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Proposed Alterations and Extension to Church.

Location: Parish of St Columba’s RC Church, Braehead Way, Bridge of Don

Agent: JFS Architects LLP, Milton Studio, 52 Bon Accord Street, Aberdeen


Applicant: Cater Corporation

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Change of use at ground and 1st floor from class 2 to form 2 flatted properties. First floor extension and formation of new entrance to building.

Location: 19-25 Inverurie Road, Bucksburn

Agent: Neil Rothnie, 116 Rosemount Place, Aberdeen


Applicant: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: External alterations comprising new shopfront, installation of an ATM, replacement roof mounted plant, removal of rear part of building and replacement single storey rear extension for use as part of existing shop (Class1) and associated works.

Location: 345 North Deeside Road, Cults, Aberdeen

Agent: WYG, 39 George Street, Edinburgh

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