Construction leads - January 5th


Applicant: Cinnamon Sledge LLP.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Proposed construction of bonded warehouses, cask filling and disgorging facility with associated tank farm, tanker filling bay, welfare facilities and associated work 

Location: Royal Elizabeth Yard Industrial Estate, Kirkliston

Agent: North Planning And Development Ltd, Tay House, 2nd Floor, 300 Bath Street, Glasgow

Reference: 21/06675/PAN

Application Link 


Applicant: Mr Stein

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Alterations to basement + ground floors of existing tenement property. Removal of existing walls + installation of new internal walls + window to rear at basement level. Removal of existing kitchen window at ground floor level. New french doors + external stairs to rear garden.

Location: 60 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh

Agent: Crossings House Design Ltd, FAO: Steve Runciman, The Old Dairy, 54 Comrie Street, Crieff

Reference: 21/06530/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: S Harrison Developments Limited. 

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Demolish existing building and construction of purpose built student accommodation, ancillary uses and associated infrastructure.

Location: 4B East Newington Place, Edinburgh

Agent: Turley. FAO: Colin Smith, 7 - 9 North St David Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 21/06470/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: West Lothian Council

Details: West Lothian Council and East Lothian Council wish to source a supplier(s) to supply and delivery Glass and Glazing Accessories to West Lothian and East Lothian Regions. The Tender will be split into the following lots:-

Lot 1 - Adhesives

Lot 2 - Putty / Accessories

Lot 3 - Glazing

Location: WLC & ELC


Publication Date: 23/12/2021


Contract Authority: Scottish Prison Service

Details: The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) requires a Contractor for the supply and installation of a replacement concrete tiled roof and a roofing repair at one of its sites HMP Open Estate Castle Huntly. The works will include the replacement of concrete tiled roof to a single storey, mostly detached, Kitchen /Dining complex. It shall also include an associated roofing repair to a flat roof in the main A -listed Castle Building. The SPS are providing a full design for this work which shall be undertaken via a traditional building contract route.

Location: HMP Castle Huntly


Publication Date: 23/12/2021

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