Construction leads - July 27th


Applicant: Amawell Leisure Limited

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders 

Details: Alterations and extension to hotel

Location: Black Bull Hotel 15 Black Bull Street Duns Scottish Borders

Agent: Richard Amos Ltd 2 Golden Square Duns Scottish Borders

Reference: 22/01066/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: Scottish Water

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders   

Details: Replacement staircase serving digester tank

Location: Water Treatment Works Mansfield Road Hawick

Agent: Lesley Brown The Bridge Buchanan Gate Business Park Cumbernauld Road Stepps

Reference: 22/01079/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: Aberdeenshire Council

Details: Upgrade of existing emergency lighting and fire alarm systems to sheltered accommodation

Location: Pleyfauld House


Publication Date: 25/07/2022


Contract Authority: Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)

Details: Procurement for Housing seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System for Asset Decarbonisation and Retrofit Solutions, providing a singular solution for our membership to design, assess and deliver their net zero ambitions. The DPS includes provision for goods, works and services and is open to social housing providers and the wider public sector

Location: National


Publication Date: 25/07/2022

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