Construction leads - June 10th


Applicant: n/a

Planning Authority: West Lothian

Details: Construction of 4 Industrial units (493 sqm) for Class 5 (General Industrial) and Class 6 (Storage and Distribution) with associated access and car parking areas

Location: 3 Baird Road Kirkton Campus Livingston West Lothian

Agent: TBB Architecture 17 Cockburn Street Falkirk

Reference: 0369/FUL/22

Application Link  


Applicant: n/a

Planning Authority: West Lothian

Details: Construction of a 204sqm restaurant (Class 3) with drive thru, associated parking, landscaping and access

Location: Land At Heartlands Court Heartlands Whitburn

Agent: Clarendon Planning & Development Ltd The Office Inchbonny House By Jedburgh

Reference: 0358/FUL/22

Application Link 



Applicant: 12:18 Roxburghe Development Ltd

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Construction of 7 holiday lodges

Location: Roxburghe Golf Course Clubhouse And Land South Of Clubhouse Heiton Scottish Borders

Agent: Camerons Strachan Yuill Architects 1 Wilderhaugh Galashiels Scottish Borders

Reference: 22/00620/FUL

Application Link



Contract Authority: North Glasgow Housing Association Ltd

Details: It is ng homes intention to enter into Measured Term Contracts (MTC) with three specialist providers for Asbestos Surveying, Sampling and Removal works.

The Measured Term Contracts will run for a period of three years with the option to extend for any further period up to a maximum overall contract duration of five years.

Location: Glasgow


Publication Date: 30/05/2022


Contract Authority: West Lothian Council

Details: This contract is for the construction of a new outdoor sports cycling circuit at Kettilstoun Mains Linlithgow.

The proposed design for the circuit allows for a 5m wide and 1km long closed road cycling circuit in four loops, which is compliant with current guidance from sportscotland, Sport England and British Cycling. This affords cyclists a road that is of a similar width to a single lane of two-way road and the length allows for variety of gradients and bends as well as accommodating larger fields and group sizes around the track.

The design includes floodlighting, perimeter security fencing with access gates, a tarmacked entrance area, access path, storage unit and disabled parking spaces to supplements the car parking already adjacent to the site.

Location: Linlithgow


Publication Date: 30/05/2022

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