Construction leads - March 18th


Applicant: Hoxton Securities (Glasgow) Ltd C/o GL Hearn Limited

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Construction of mixed-use development comprising residential flats (203 units) (Sui generis), one commercial unit (Classes 1, 2 or 3), one rehearsal space (Class 10) with associated landscaping and infrastructure.

Location: Site Between Sawmillfield Street/ Farnell Street, Glasgow

Agent: GL Hearn Limited, Steve McGavin, 145 Morrison Street, Edinburgh

Reference: 20/00455/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant: The Co-owners 

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: External alterations including re-roofing and stonework repairs.

Location: 1 - 7 Sanda Street, Glasgow

Agent: Mackie And Co, Jim Mackie, 49 Virginia Street, Glasgow

Reference: 20/00377/LBA

Application Link  


Applicant: Lets Direct (Glasgow) Ltd 

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Internal and external alterations to vacant offices to form serviced apartments

Location: 266 St Vincent Street, Glasgow

Agent: Bennett Developments And Consulting, Don Bennett, 10 Park Court, Glasgow

Reference: 20/00143/LBA

Application Link  



Contract Authority: Falkirk Council

Details: The design, manufacture and installation of a new nursery modular building

Location: Shieldhill Primary School, Falkirk.


Publication Date: 17/03/2020


Contract Authority: Fife Council

Details: Fire Alarm Installation in conjunction with ceiling and lights

Location: Aberdour Primary School


Publication Date: 17/03/2020

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