Construction leads - September 28th


The Stables Mulben Keith Moray

Applicant: Touchdown Memorial Home For Horses

Planning Authority: Moray

Details: Erect a community cafe and meeting place

Location: The Stables Mulben Keith Moray 

Agent: none.

Reference: 22/00291/APP

Application Link 


Applicant: West End Garage Honda Ltd

Planning Authority: Dundee 

Details: Demolition of a listed building.

Location: 49 - 51 Queen Street Broughty Ferry Dundee

Agent: Gauldie Wright & Partners Architects Limited. 2 Osborne Place Magdalen Yard Road Dundee

Reference: 22/00616/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: J & S Robertson

Planning Authority: Scottish Borders

Details: Land West Of Warehouse John Menzies Distribution Ltd Tweedside Park Tweedbank Galashiels Scottish Borders

Location: Construction of two storey Class 4 office building

Agent: Camerons Strachan Yuill Architects 1 Wilderhaugh Galashiels Scottish Borders

Reference: 22/01429/SPZ

Application Link



Contract Authority: KLM Partnership

Details: The works comprise the demolition of two wings of the building and the internal alterations and construction of several new extensions to provide the required accommodation.

The building is to be fully renovated with new windows and doors, new flooring, roofing, electrics, plumbing and heating, redecoration.

The existing hall floor is to be uplifted and a new concrete floor and sports hall flooring installed.

The works also include for limited site works, dew drainage installations and alterations to incoming services installations, viz BT, Water, electricity.

Location: Garve


Publication Date: 27/09/2022 

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