Kenny McDonald Chartered surveyor Kenny McDonald outlines the best time for landlords and tenants to get advice on dilapidations claims.
Zero Waste Scotland is conducting new research into the scale of construction materials reuse and reclamation services in Scotland. Scotland’s construction sector is the country’s biggest waste producer, sending a staggering four million tonnes of waste to landfill each year.
Hart Builders get work underway at Chirnside Berwickshire Housing Association’s vision of creating thriving rural communities continued apace as work started on a new affordable housing development in Chirnside.
Bill Glen A 96-year-old retired plumber in Glasgow is set to publish his second novel – just over a month since his first became a national media sensation.
A consortium of real estate developers is set to construct one of Glasgow’s largest single-building new offices after acquiring a development site in the heart of the city’s International Financial Services District. Vanguard Real Estate has acquired a 0.79-acre site on the south side of Argyle
Benny Higgins Details of the implementation plan for a publicly-owned Scottish National Investment Bank have been published today.
Queen's Square in Aberdeen would be transformed into a mixed-use urban quarter Three of Scotland’s biggest commercial real estate propositions for 2018 were unveiled to investors in London today at a business breakfast hosted by Derek Mackay, cabinet secretary for finance and constitution.
Gerard McMahon Esh Construction has won a tender to deliver key refurbishment work that will significantly revitalise St Anthony’s Primary School in Johnstone.
Mark Denholm Edinburgh-based electrical contractor Ideal Electrical Solutions (UK) Limited has secured a funding package from Santander Business Banking to support the expansion of its headquarters in the capital.
(from left) James Heard, Campion Homes; Julie Watson, Kingdom Housing Association; Ian McCreadie, Campion Homes Three Inverkeithing residents are the latest jobseekers to benefit from a Construction Academy organised by Fife Works, Kingdom Housing Association’s employability project.
Ground Developments Ltd has been awarded the enabling works package by Standardkessel Baumgarte for the new Baldovie Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility in Dundee. The facility will generate electricity as well as steam for the local industry in a highly efficient process.
Electric vehicle charging points launched at Maxim Office Park Maxim Office Park has announced the addition of electric vehicle (EV) charging points at the Park, the first available along the M8 between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
A number of construction sites across the UK have ground to a halt due to heavy snow, according to the Federation of Master Builders (FMB). As the 'Beast from the East' brings snow and storms to the UK, the trade body warned that the freezing temperatures mean it’s too cold to lay bricks.
Housing associations in the UK made record operating profits in 2017, despite the introduction of a 1 per cent annual social housing rent cut in England until 2020, according to Moody’s Public Sector Europe.
Jeff Fairburn Persimmon has revealed annual profits soared by a quarter last year and the housebuilding giant mains “encouraged” by the start to 2018 despite Brexit uncertainties.