Aberdeen City Council has granted planning permission in principle for a major expansion to the north of the city. The application for the Rowett South site at Bucksburn includes 1,700 houses, retail and commercial provision as well as education, leisure and community uses.
(from left) Crawford Beveridge, Petra Biberbach and John Hamilton The members of an independent panel set up to carry out a “game-changing review” of Scotland’s planning system have been announced by social justice secretary Alex Neil.
Chemicals giant Ineos has revealed plans to build a £20 million headquarters at its Grangemouth site. Explosive demolition work at the plant last week helped clear the way for the state-of-the-art four storey facility, which has been designed by Michael Laird Architects.
Construction work on student residences in Fort William and Inverness will begin in the next week following a £44 million agreement between University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and developer Cityheart. The deal will see the student residences specialist build and operate accommodation acro
An aerial view of the Cowglen site Persimmon Homes West Scotland has revealed plans to invest £75 million on a major new housing development in Glasgow.
Adam Frickleton Michael Laird Architects (MLA) has promoted Adam Frickleton to associate director and Garth Fitzsimons to associate architect.
Jason Anker City Building welcomed the UK’s leading speaker on behavioural safety training to its Glasgow headquarters this week to share insights on how individual’s approach safety as part of the Proud 2B Safe programme.
Major energy work to transform Melville homes in Forth Melville Housing Association customers in the South Lanarkshire town of Forth should see significant savings on their heating bills, following the announcement of a major energy efficiency project that will start this autumn.
A contract issue concerning a former employee of Glasgow City Council’s arms-length construction firm City Building is to be investigated after the local authority passed information to the police. The issue relates to a complaint that was made by a contractor which was subsequently investigated b
The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture Projects in Scotland have assisted Kier to strong full-year results for the year to 30 June 2015, the group said today.
Planning approval has been granted for the development of a further 177 houses and apartments in Pennywell, north west Edinburgh. Urban Union’s second phase plans for the Pennywell Living development is part of an overall vision with the City of Edinburgh Council to deliver approximately 719 homes
Louise Hosking The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) came into force on 6th April 2015 and has implications for anyone organising work on their home.
Angus Macfarlane hub North Scotland has been shortlisted in two categories by judges in the GO Awards Scotland after demonstrating its commitment to excellence.
David Sibbald Sibbald Training has been named as the top provider for DCPC modules in Scotland in 2014.
Gullane Golf Club was able to tee off as host of this year’s Scottish Open by showcasing the results of a major clubhouse renovation. Esh Border Construction was asked to transform the East Lothian facility prior to Gullane being named host of the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open Championsh