Student accommodation provider Unite is to expand its presence in Aberdeen after acquiring its fifth development site in the city.
A legal battle blocking a major development in Perth has been settled. It has, however, come too late to salvage a planned £41 million supermarket that would have been built on the former Perth Mart site on Crieff Road, The Courier has reported.
Plans unveiled for 49 new social homes in Glasgow Plans have been submitted for 49 new homes for social rent in Springburn, North Glasgow.
Planning approval has been granted for a Barratt Homes development of 147 new homes in Stirling, bringing more than £20m of new investment to the area. Plans for Highland Gate comprise of a range of three bedroom terraced, semi-detached and detached homes, and four bedroom detached homes from the h
Artist's impression of new Science and Technology galleries The Wellcome Trust is giving £1.3 million to the National Museum of Scotland to help fund six new science and technology galleries, to open in 2016.
Graham Shennan Morgan Sindall managing director Graham Shennan has been made redundant after 12 years at the contractor.
Houses prices are at their highest level since records began, according to official statistics published by Registers of Scotland (RoS). The average house price in Scotland in the second quarter was £170,190, up 5.2 per cent on the same period in 2013.
Fergus Ewing There is still time to make your voice heard on the completion of Scotland’s Land Register.
The sod was cut on Scotland’s new national blood centre today as deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon marked the start of construction on the new facility.
Story Homes’ development of executive homes in Biggar, Lanarkshire, is predicted to bring £25m of economic benefits to the region through the use of local employers and sourcing of local materials.
Gavin Hamilton Stewart Milne Timber Systems has announced the appointment of a new manufacturing director as the company continues to grow.
Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen was under the spotlight last week, as part of the world’s biggest architecture festival.
Education secretary Michael Russell led a topping out ceremony at City of Glasgow College's new riverside campus bringing the new £228 million twin-site super college a step closer.
The Dundee Civic Trust, which encourages the best standards of architectural design and town planning for new developments, has commended the University of Dundee Medical School for its outstanding contribution to the city’s townscape.
Construction staff wear it pink for Breast Cancer Campaign In no order: Robert Gibson (white shirt, project manager), Daniel Burke (grey combat trousers, balding), Charlie McCluskey (glasses), Andrew Cumming (fair hair, black top, blue trousers) and Alistair Grant (assistant site manager, tallest wi